Things to do to Get your Thesis Done Quick

If you want to graduate with a degree in college, you have to finish a Thesis or a Research first. Here are some tips on how to finish your work fast get your thesis done quick.

Find a Mentor

           find-mentor-moltz-open-forum-432     It is important to have a mentor that can give you more encouragement and give critical feedback on your project. They will help you avoid hurdles that might be the reason to slow your work down. He must know how to motivate you so that you can finish your work . It must not be a friend that will only tell you that everything will be alright. Furthermore, don’t rely on your academic adviser. They will not tell the answer to your questions. Find the mentor that can really help out with your questions.

Resist Distractionsshutterstock_297674456

                While you are writing your thesis, you must be disconnected to the things that will get you out of what you are writing. Keep your gadgets that are not needed in what you are doing. For example, mobile phones; if you use your phone to communicate with your friends, you have to keep it for the meantime because I am pretty sure that they will text you to hang out with them. Friends are one of the many distractions that you have.

 Write when you are InspiredInspired Writer

                This rule is somewhat tricky. This only means that even if you are on a break and you have some good thoughts about your work, you have to write it because it is good to right the ideas you have when you are inspired. But, this might lead the students to be waiting for their inspiration to come. The truth is, you have to write even if you are not inspired. In fact, when you start writing, inspirations will come across you.  So don’t keep on waiting for that inspiration to come, you will meet half way.

Break your Thesis into Defined Stages

                Writing a thesis is a process with well-defined stages. But each stage will differ depending on your field of specialization. You can break it into three stage. First, you have to collect ideas from where you are going to conduct your study. Next, formulate the problems that you want to solve. Third, if you already know what the problem is, know the flow of the current process then think of how you can make it an easier process. Fourth, start writing the content of your document. Then lastly, edit and polish the document.

Don’t make a Calendar of  what you are going to Work One3147dec77247fba7bfffc2fc771e678

Don’t create a to-do-list in a calendar. Cause the tendency is, you will just follow your time frame. Even if you are done with the things in your to-do-list, you have to continue writing and digging up data that are needed in your study. As much as possible, don’t waste your time in having long naps. You can have it once you finish your study.

Learn how to Read20150729211514-man-reading-book-hipster

Writing a thesis or research requires a lot of reading. You must be familiar with the resources that you will be needing in your study. It doesn’t mean that you have to read word-for-word. You only have to understand the idea of the argument. But, you must know when to read and when to skim. Reading and skimming are two different terms. Skimming means getting the general idea of what it is all about while reading requires you to work on constructing the meaning of the text. In short, you have to understand the context. So if you already know how to read and when to read and skim you will surely have a good progress in your study.

Take Productive Breaks

Instead of having unproductive breaks, try doing things that will indirectly serve your writing process. We all need breaks with what we are doing to refresh us and to help us be more productive. However, a break doesn’t have to be out of your study. You might take a break from writing then take a walk to a nearby bookstore or a library to read some journals or books. This would be helpful for you to formulate ideas to add in your study. But whatever you choose, try to make your break productive.

Spend Enough Time to Determine your Thesis Methodologyhumanities1

After formulating the general objective of your study, you have to determine what methodology to be used.  You need a methodology to explain where you are coming from and why you want to do the research in a particular way. If you finish writing your methodology, your thesis writing will be guided accordingly as to where it will lead you to.

Take Notesnotes

Writing notes in between researching is essential. First, if you write diligent notes of the information from your research, it will save you time. You don’t need to revisit your references for some uncommon entries. Second, is to avoid plagiarism. If you will not take notes of what you are researching, you might forget to write the proper citation for the information that you have copied.

Give time on When to Research and When to Writewriteorresearch

Writing needs momentum, and then momentum needs time, a lot of time. So, if your mind is not ready for the writing, just do the research first. If you will only wait for that momentum and don’t do anything, your time will all be consumed in waiting for that momentum. You have to keep on working so that your brain will be awake. If you don’t feel like writing, just do a research first then eventually, you really need to write after you gather some information even if the momentum is still missing.



