Make Stress Your Best friend

Make Stress Your Best friend

Stress is an omnipresent or common part of life but feeling stressed out is not. A little bit of it can give excitement and encouragement that keep us active in our everyday life. But too much stress can give an adverse effect on health. We cannot escape the stressors but we can change how we react to the situation. Here are some tips that will help you befriend stress.

1. Imagine Calmness 


Imagining that you are in a peaceful place or you are with nature that can wash away your stress. It is suggested that you do this routine: Close your eyes, take three long, slow breaths, and spend a few seconds picturing a relaxing scene, such as walking in a meadow, kneeling by a brook, or lying on the beach. Focus on the details—the sights, the sounds, the smells. (Gerald Epstein, M.D., the New York City author of Healing Visualizations (Bantam Doubleday Dell Press, 1989)).

2. Smile, Be Happy


A smile is considered as a remedy for life’s stressful events. It is an effect of feeling happy. Smiling when you feel pressured will reduce tension and it will help you feel better. Forcing yourself to look happier could actually end up helping you feel happier and it will help your health as well.

3. Eliminate Your Triggers

eliminate stress

Distinguish the things that causes stress in your life. Is it about your job, your family, your surroundings? If you know what causes your stress you will be able to at least reduce or remove it in your daily routine.

4. Learn To Say N0

No Yelling

Trying to be jack-of-all-trades can really give a serious stress. You must know your limitations, and stop pleasing everyone every time they need your help. You have all the right to say NO to someone if you are overloaded with work.

5. Shake It Off

shake it off

Having quick exercise or doing stretches will help loosen the muscles in your neck and upper back. It can also divert your attention that can lessen stress. Do exercise with deep breathing (Inhale, Exhale).

6. Eat, Eat and Eat!


Eat happy foods or comfort foods such as french fries, pasta, and cake and other foods that are high in carbohydrates. This food will help stimulate the release of serotonin, feel-good brain chemicals that can induce calmness.

