9/11 conspiracy theory post becomes science forum

9/11 Conspiracy theory post becomes science forum

A facebook post by True Conspiracies turns into an entertaining physics, chemistry, and engineering discussion when people started to cherry-pick events on what the page believes is a conspiracy by the US government.

9/11 was one of the biggest tragedies to hit the United States of America. When Al Qaeda sent 3 planes crashing into 3 buildings. 1 crashed into the Pentagon, and the other 2 crashed into the World Trade Center in New Your City. Some conspiracy theories believe that this was the doing of the US government to get enough reason to start a war with Al Qaeda. These theories continue to echo to this day and some have even been found in social media. You’ve got to admit, most of these theories are very far fetched if you know how science works.


The “pre-detonated bomb”



The vertically flying steel beams


The molten metal


The diagonally cut beams




Interestingly enough, I learned a lot after reading the comment section of this post.

